유기농 당근 플러스 사과로 짠 당근즙

I squeezed two carrots and an apple, paying attention to the size of a carrot and an apple to control the amount of drink for two people, but the carrot juice is a bit too much.organic carrot plus carrot juice squeezed with appleHello, it’s gotten a lot colder. When I woke up early this morning and looked at the sky, it was so beautiful how the stars were shining at dawn. I recently bought a box of organic carrots to squeeze the carrot juice. I was so busy that I couldn’t even squeeze the juice, but there was a delicious Myanmar apple, so I squeezed the carrot juice with the apple and drank it and it was very delicious.I just drank a salty, organic carrot juice and it’s sweet and delicious, maybe because Myanmar’s apple is sweet. Why is the carrot juice so good for my husband?.. When I was living in Chunyang, my neighbor’s mother always squeezed a glass of apple carrot juice every morning and went to walk. By the way, her skin was so nice. She was old, but she took good care of her health. As I drank the carrot juice, I remembered her. I try to squeeze the carrot juice every morning to drink before meals, but it’s not going as well as I thought. I need to squeeze the juice consistently from now on. Stay healthy in the cold weather! Thank you. *^^*I bought this green power green juicer 30 years ago and have been using it until now. There are some problems, but I’m still using it. I’m planning to buy a high-performance green juicer when I can afford it in the future.

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